Justin Rent, Developer & Designer

New site! Who dis?!

Here we go! I'm excited to finally be reworking my personal website to better match the skills I've accumulated over the past several years. I've been working a lot with Drupal and most recently with decoupled architectures utilizing Drupal 8 as a back end and Gatsby as the front end. I've really come to enjoy React and the declarative nature of the syntax. The mental model of combining HTML and CSS with Javascript through JSX and CSS-in-JS with React components just makes so much sense.

For this project, I'm exploring Next.js. I'll be posting updates along the way as I work through adapting and expanding this basic setup to suit my needs. The repo is public on GitHub and once I get my needs fulfilled I'll hopefully make the non-content parts of the setup a starter.

For posterity, ye ol jrentdesign.com lives on...at least until I set up more sections of this site to showcase my design & development work along with some case studies of my favorite projects. Check it out if you're interested, but don't get too picky – I hardcoded most of it around 2010. Things were MUCH different back then. 😬